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Information in easy language

Your visit

The Sudeten German Museum has lots of information for its visitors.
Our aim:
You can quickly find the information you need.
So we have listed
information for you here.
You can simply click on a word in the list.
That will take you straight to this information.
This is the list:

Everything you need to know

Welcome to the Sudeten German Museum.
This website gives you important information
about our museum.
You need this information when you visit our museum.

Opening hours of the museum

Our museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday.
The museum is then always open from 10 am to 6 pm.
But you must be here by 5:30 pm at the latest.
We cannot let you in after that.
Because you will not have enough time to look at everything.
Our museum is closed every Monday.
Our museum is also closed on these days:

  • On 24 and 25 December
    That is Christmas Eve and
    Christmas Day
  • On 31 December and 1 January
    That is New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day
  • On Good Friday
    That is the Friday before Easter
Das Bild zeigt einen Weihnachtsbaum. Der Baum ist geschmückt. Man sieht auch Geschenke unter dem Baum.

Tickets for our museum

You need a ticket for our museum.
That means you have to pay to
visit the museum.

These are our prices:

Das Bild zeigt eine Kasse an einem Museum. Man sieht einen Mann der eine Eintrittskarte kauft. Ein andere Mann kontrolliert die Eintrittskarten.
  • People over 26 must pay 5 euros.
  • People under 26 must pay 3.50 euros.
  • Are people aged 65 or older?
    They also only pay 3.50 euros.
  • People with severe disabilities must pay 3.50 euros for a ticket.
Das Bild zeigt eine Hand die einen 5 Euro Schein hält.
  • You can also visit our museum
    in a group.
    A group is at least 15 people.
    Each person in the group then pays 3.50 euros.
    Would you like to visit the museum with more than 10 persons?
    Then please contact us in advance.
    Please use this
    email address to do so:
Das Bild zeigt einen Menschen, der in einem Elektrorollstuhl sitz.
Das Bild zeigt eine Frau. Sie sitzt vor einem Laptop und schreibt eine E-Mail.
  • You can also take a guided tour of our museum. A guided tour means:
    An employee guides you through the museum.
    And tells you the most important information.
    For example about our exhibits.
    A guided tour costs 5 euros for each person.
    But a guided tour costs at least 75 euros.
    That means:
    Do 10 people want a guided tour together?
    Then the guided tour still costs 75 euros.
    Even though 10 times 5 euros makes only 50 euros.

    You want to book a guided tour?
    Please use this email address to do so:

Das Bild zeigt eine Gruppe von Menschen. Sie machen eine Führung in einem Museum.
  • Children and young persons do not have to pay.
    Children and young persons are all people under 18 years of age.
  • School classes do not have to pay to get in either.
  • The same is true for people doing a degree.
    A degree is training at a university.
    But they must be younger than 26.
Das Bild zeigt 6 Kinder. Ein Kind davon sitzt in einem Rollstuhl.
  • Do you have an ICOM card, a Museums-Bund card
    or an Ehrenamt card?
    Then you do not need to pay for your visit here.
    The ICOM is a bit like a club.
    The club fights for ethical values at a museum, for example.
    Examples of ethical values:
    All people must be treated equally.
    And nobody may be treated worse.
    For example because they have a disability.
    Or come from a different country.

You can buy tickets at the museum pay desk.
Or buy them from our online shop.
You will find our online shop on our website.
You can click on it there.

Das Bild zeigt eine Frau mit dunkler Hautfarbe und einem Mann mit heller Hautfarbe. Zwischen den beiden sieht man ein Istgleich- und das Paragraphenzeichen. Das Bild bedeutet, alle Menschen müssen gleich behandelt werden.

How to get to the museum

You can get here in different ways.
Here are more details on the ways:

Take the S-Bahn.
S-Bahn is short for Schnell-Bahn.
Schnell-Bahn is German for fast train.
Please travel to the stop called Rosenheimer Platz.
Then get off.
And take the exit marked Hoch-Straße.

Take the tram:
A tram is a train that travels on rails on the road.
Please take tram number 25 to the stop called Rosenheimer Platz.
Then get off.

Das Bild zeigt eine gelbe Trambahn.

By car:
Are you coming by car?
Then you should park in the car park.
The car park is by the Holiday Inn hotel.
The car park is not free.
That means:
You have to pay money to park there.

This is the address of our museum:
Sudetendeutsches Museum
Hoch-Straße 10
81669 München

Email:Das Bild zeigt einen Computerbildschirm. Daneben sieht man eine Tastatur und eine Maus.

Das Bild zeigt ein Telefon.Phone: +49 89 – 48 00 03 37

Das Bild zeigt ein grünes Auto.

Important information for your visit to the museum

You should not bring larger objects to our museum.
You can hand in these objects at the coat check.
We mainly mean these objects:

  • Bags larger than A4.
    A sheet of paper is an example of A4.
    This means a sheet of paper for a printer.
  • Umbrellas, walking sticks and rucksacks

Please also be considerate to other visitors.

Das Bild zeigt ein leeres Blatt Papier.

You may take photos in the museum.
But you must switch off the flash in your camera.
And you must not use a tripod.
A tripod is a stand for a camera.
You may only use the photos for personal use.
This means:
You may show your photos to your family, for example.
But you must not sell your photos to other people.
Please make sure that your phone does not ring.
When you visit our museum.

Das Bild zeigt eine Fotokamera.

You can bring small dogs to the museum.
But you must use a dog cart for the dogs.
A dog cart looks almost like a pram.
You can use a dog cart from the museum.
Guide dogs may enter the museum.

Do you have questions about your visit to the museum?
Or about guided tours?
Then please write us a message.
The easiest way is to use the contact form on our website.
We will answer you as quickly as possible.
And answer your questions.

Das Bild zeigt einen Blindenhund.

Information on accessibility

Our museum is accessible.
That means you can get everywhere in a wheelchair.
And there is a toilet
for people with disabilities.
We also have tactile guide tracks.
These help blind people.
And people who cannot see much.
People can feel if they are walking on the right path.

Das Bild zeigt einen Menschen, der in einem Elektrorollstuhl sitz.

We also have audio stations
in our museum.
There you can listen to texts.
And don’t have to read them yourself.
We also have a media guide.
This is a small device with earphones.
You can hang the media guide around your neck.
You can also watch information there in sign language.
You can get the media guide at the reception.
The reception is by the entrance.
You can also go there if you have questions.
We also have tactile stations.
There you can touch objects, for example.

Das Bild zeigt eine Frau mit Kopfhörern. Damit hört sie einen Mediaguide.

There is a museum shop at the entrance.
There you can buy things that go with our museum.
Examples could be books and films.
You can also buy these things from our online shop.

Das Bild zeigt ein blaues Buch.

Food and drink

There will soon be a museum cafe in the museum basement.
You can buy food and drink there.
For example coffee and cake.
But the museum cafe is not open yet.

Das Bild zeigt Kaffee und Kuchen.

Note on data protection

When you send us a message.
We take great care of your personal data.
That means:

We do not share your data with other people.
Examples of personal data:

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your email address

You can write us a message on our contact form.
Then you have to accept a data protection declaration.
That means:
You agree that
we can have your personal data.
We need these data to
answer your questions, for example.
But you can always change your agreement.
That means:

Das Bild zeigt einen Computer. Auf dem Bildschirm sieht man ein Schloss zum absperren. Daneben sieht man eine Frau. Sie macht eine abwehrende Handbewegung zu einem Mann. Der Mann zeigt zum Computerbildschirm.

You can say later that you no longer agree.
Then we will delete your data immediately.
Do you want to change your agreement?
Then please use this email address:


Das Bild zeigt eine Frau. Sie sitzt vor einem Laptop und schreibt eine E-Mail.

Digital offers

By digital offers we
mainly mean offers on our website.
That means you can also find out about our museum on your computer.
You can also do this from home.
For example: You can watch videos about the museum.
You will find more information about this on our website under Digital programme.
But this page is not available in easy language yet.

Das Bild zeigt einen Computerbildschirm. Daneben sieht man eine Tastatur und eine Maus.

Who owns our museum?

Our museum belongs to the Sudeten German Foundation.
And we also get money from StMAS.
StMAS is short for:
Staats-Ministerium für Familie, Arbeit und Soziales.
This is the State Ministry for Family, Labour and Social Affairs.
The ministry is part of the government of Bavaria.

The Sudeten German Museum

At our museum you can experience the homeland in a new way.
This is the homeland of the Sudeten Germans.
The Sudeten Germans come from Bohemia,
Moravia and Sudeten-Silesia.
These places are now in Czechia.
Czechia is a neighbour country of Germany.

Das Bild zeigt eine Landkarte. Man sieht das Gebiet vom Sudetenland.

The native language of Sudeten Germans is German.
A native language is a language you learn from birth.
Most Sudeten Germans now live in Germany.
This is because of the end of World War 2.
That was in 1945.
At that time the Sudeten Germans had to leave their homeland.
The government of Czechoslovakia said:
The Sudeten Germans must leave Czechoslovakia.
At that time Czechoslovakia was the name of the state
where the Sudeten Germans lived.
State is a different word for country.
This country does not exist anymore.

Today it is two states:
Czechia and Slovakia.

Das Bild zeigt die Flagge von Tschechien. Die Flagge ist oben weiß und unten rot. Auf der linken Seite sieht man ein blaues Dreieck.
Das Bild zeigt die Flagge von der Slovakei. Die Flagge ist oben weiß, in der Mitte blau und unten rot. In der Mitte von der Flagge sieht man ein Wappen.

The Sudeten German Museum has a lot of information about the Sudeten Germans.
For example you can find out how people used to live there.
You will also see many objects from that time.
By objects we mean photos and letters, for example.
Also painted pictures and drawings.
You can also listen to music from that time.
The objects belong to the art and culture
of the Sudeten Germans.

Das Bild zeigt Kleidungsstücke, die die Menschen früher getragen haben. Man sieht zum Beispiel eine Uniform und einen Hut.

The museum has a big exhibition.
The exhibition shows how the Sudeten Germans lived.
It looks back on 1100 years of history.
That is how long Sudeten Germans lived there.
That is a very long time.

The permanent exhibition at the museum is called: Homeland.
The Sudeten German Museum explains:
How the Germans lived in Bohemia,
Moravia and Sudeten‑Silesia.
Those are the 3 areas where the Sudeten Germans lived.
These areas are now part of Czechia.
The exhibition is split into three topics.
These are the topics:

Das Bild zeigt eine Wand. An der Wand hängen verschiedene Bilder. Auf den Bildern sieht man verschiedene Landschaften.
  • Homeland!
    In this section you will learn, for example:
    This is what the landscape looked like before World War 2.
    And this is how people lived before the war.
    You will also learn:
    What religion the people there believed in.
    And where these people worked.
    Many things changed for them during this time.
    Before 1800, the people were often farmers.
    They planted vegetables, for example.
    And then sold the vegetables.
    Later on there were harvesting machines, for example.
    And more people worked in factories.
Das Bild zeigt einen Bauernhof. Auf dem Gemälde sieht man das große Bauernhaus. Dahinter ist eine Scheune.
  • The End of the Accepted Order
    Here you will learn, for example:
    How life changed for Sudeten Germans after 1800.
    There were two languages in the country: German and Czech.
    For a long time it did not matter who spoke which language.
    But after 1848 the Sudeten Germans and the Czechs did not get on so well anymore.
    That is why there was a big argument.
    You will also learn:
    How World War 2 changed the life for the Sudeten Germans.
    And how the Sudeten Germans had to leave their homeland after the war.
    Because they were expelled.
    Expelled means:
    The people had to leave their homeland.
    That means:
    They were beaten, for example, if they did not leave.
    And move somewhere else.
Das Bild zeigt verschiedene Alltagsgegenstände. Zum Beispiel sieht man Kleidungsstücke, einen Leiterwagen und einen Rucksack. Diese Gegenstände hatten Menschen dabei, die flüchten mussten.
  • New Homeland?
    Here you will learn, for example:
    What happened to the Sudeten Germans after the expulsion?
    Where did the Sudeten Germans move to?
    How were they accepted in their new homeland?
    Did the new homeland become a homeland for the Sudeten Germans?
Das Bild zeigt eine Zeichnung. Man sieht eine Stadt mit Kirche und Marktplatz.

Germans, Czechs and Jews lived together in the past.
That was special about Bohemia, Moravia and Sudeten-Silesia.
The Sudeten German Museum explains this history.
The museum also shows:
That is what the homeland was like.
It was a special homeland in Europe.
The reason was:
All these people shaped their own homeland.
That means:

They had their own songs and dances, for example.
And cooked food with their own recipes.
The special term for this is cultural landscape.
This cultural landscape is important for all of Europe.

The Sudeten German Museum has a lot of information
for visitors.
Every piece of information has been checked.
That means:
Employees of the museum checked:
Was it really like that?
The museum worked with many experts on this.
These experts are called scientists.
The museum uses modern aids.
This means films and audio recordings, for example.
An audio recording can be a speech by a politician, for example.
You can listen to an audio recording.

Das Bild zeigt das Sudetendeutsche Museum von außen.

The building is also very modern.
It looks very special.
And remains in your memory.

Das Bild zeigt ein Foto vom Sudetendeutschen Museum. Man sieht das Museum von außen.

Translated by sag’s einfach – Büro für Leichte Sprache, Regensburg.
Checked by the test group einfach g`macht, Abteilung Förderstätte,
Straubinger Werkstätten St. Josef der KJF Werkstätten g GmbH.
The pictures come from © Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung Bremen e.V., Illustrator: Stefan Albers, Atelier Fleetinsel, 2013 and from © Inga Kramer, (woman on laptop).

© European Easy-to-Read Logo: Inclusion Europe. More information at