Homeland centres are documentation hubs for a particular locality or region in the former Sudetenland. They fulfill varous functions, serving as social meeting places, business offices, libraries, archives or museum showrooms. Sometimes they are an integral part of sections of municipal museums devoted to modern local history. Homeland centres were founded in many places in West Germany and Austria but were prohibited in the GDR.
When a homeland centre is disbanded, the inventory is usually handed over to the Sudeten German Museum. The memorabilia are then listed and correctly stored in the museum depot and thereby preserved for the future. These holdings form an important pool of items for temporary exhibitions at the museum. Selected homeland centres are shown on this website in the form of 3D presentations.
More information is available at Index of Homeland Collections of the Federal Institute for the Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe (BKGE).
Abtsdorf Centre (Neumarkt/Opf.)
Homeland Museum of the Aussig Benevolent Society (München)
Brünn Homeland Museum (Schwäbisch Gmünd)
Buchau Homeland Centre (Pappenheim)
Graslitz Memorial and Information Centre (Aschaffenburg)
Mährisch Aussee Homeland Centre (Braunschweig)
Museum of the German Linguistic Enclave near Brünn (Erbach)
Niederebersdorf Homeland and Archival Centre (Tutzing)
Rückersdorf Traditional Costume Centre
Sangerberg Homeland Centre (Regenstauf)
Schönbrunn Homeland Centre (Schwarzenbruck)
Sternberg Homeland Museum (Günzburg)
Sudeten German Homeland Centre (Immenstadt)
Sudeten German Wayfarer Archive (Waldkraiburg)
Teplitz-Schönau Homeland Museum (Frankfurt-Höchst)
Wallern Homeland Centre (Waldkirchen)
Waltsch Homeland Centre (Neckargemünd)
Zwittau Documentation Centre (Esslingen)
Follow us on:
Sudetendeutsches Museum
Hochstraße 10
81669 München
Tel.: +49 89 480003 37
The sponsor of the Sudeten German Museum is the Sudeten German Foundation.
The Sudeten German Museum is supported by funding from the Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labour and Social Affairs.